Why everyone loves Open Commerce – A live conversation from the market

Across emerging economies, the traditional retail market remains highly fragmented, as over 80% of all FMCG products are sold by small retailers in roadside shops. The industry still relies on manual processes like van sales, physical visits to retailers by brand and distributor sales reps, and costly cash payments. This model is inefficient and has had devastating […]

Delivering value for distributors with data-driven pricing

Over the last few years, traditional FMCG distributors have faced numerous challenges, such as unpredictable demand, massive supply chain disruption, and increased competition from new, digital players in the market, which has led to ever-shrinking margins. In addition, retailers and customers are beginning to expect the same speed and efficiency they are used to receiving in […]

Why we built the world’s largest local payment network.

Emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) make up 84% of the world’s population, but only contribute 37% of the Global GDP. In these markets, as many as 2 billion people and 200 million small businesses are entirely cut off from the formal financial system, lacking access to savings, investment, and credit facilities. The gap between the […]

Including the excluded: Solving the digital payments problem in emerging markets

Today, across emerging markets, over 2 billion individuals and 200 million small businesses are excluded from accessing critical financial services, leading to high levels of inequality, and increased social and economic challenges. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), which constitute over 90% of all businesses, and provide over 50% of the employment in emerging economies, cannot access the financial services […]

Data-driven decision making is key to driving sales growth

Across the FMCG industry, sales growth is directly tied to overall company growth, as 50% of all the value created by an FMCG company rests on the sales force. Driving next-generation sales growth will require CPG companies to develop advanced insight, agility, and technology capabilities. An industry survey shows that brands willing to shakeup their traditional sales models and […]

Empower your sales reps with data analytics

Across the FMCG industry, sales representatives are some of the most important value drivers for brands and distributors, as sales reps sell $34 trillion worth of FMCG goods to over 1 billion micro-sellers every year. Research shows that sales-team effectiveness is crucial for growth, as over half of the company’s value creation is tied to the sales […]

Open commerce and ERP –The best digital solution to drive FMCG growth

Changing consumer behavior and the increasing importance of data analytics have disrupted the linear value chain in the FMCG industry. FMCG brands in emerging markets, who have traditionally depended on manual processes, now recognize the need to adopt digital solutions that offer superior, personalized services at lower costs. However, cost pressures have continued to rise, […]

Choosing the best digital solution for your FMCG brand

The FMCG industry has experienced significant disruption over the last decade, caused by the rapid adoption of digital technologies and e-commerce, as well as changing consumer preferences. This disruption, which is poised to continue has affected the ability of larger FMCG brands to generate profitable growth. Research shows that smaller, digitally-enabled brands have recorded the highest […]

The Big Shake: Get ready for digital disruption in B2B commerce

At the turn of the century, retail in emerging markets experienced tremendous growth and immense change. Reports show that as the population in emerging markets grew by 21 percent between 2000 and 2015, retail sales per capita rose from $525 to $1490.1. Over the same period, emerging markets’ share of global retail sales jumped from 32 percent […]

Driving digital disruption for FMCG brands in emerging markets

For decades, FMCG brands in emerging markets have depended on a traditional distribution model to penetrate a highly fragmented market and get their products to retailers’ shelves. However, this model is grossly inefficient as it relies on costly cash payments and a large sales force who make hundreds of visits every week to merchant’s stores. […]