Eliminate friction in the FMCG industry with digital payments

According to the World Bank, over half of all payments in the retail industry are made in cash, with most of these transactions occurring among more than two billion individuals and 200 million small businesses in emerging economies. These businesses and individuals lack access to formal capital and credit and must rely on informal lenders and personal networks […]

The digital wholesaler – How distributors can build resilient supply chain

Globally, emerging markets account for 55 percent of the total consumer spending of FMCG products. Within the next five years, over 5 billion new middle class consumers will be created in these markets, and their spending is expected to exceed $6 trillion. To serve this rapidly growing consumer base, distributors and wholesalers across developing markets must leverage digital […]

Web 3.0 and the open economy.

Written by Justin Floyd, CEO & Deputy Chairman, RedCloud The history of the internet has shown us just how powerful innovation can be. The development of mobile, social, and cloud infrastructure has transformed the internet from the dark and anonymous place it was pre-2004 into a technology that benefits over 3 billion people globally, and the evolution is just […]

How supply chain issues might ruin the holidays

Half-empty shelves, longer delivery times, labor shortages, and increasing prices of consumer goods are symptoms of a global problem – supply chain issues. Bottlenecks at many steps along the way have been exacerbated by the pandemic, causing severe issues in a system that demands timeliness to function properly. Worse still, this has happened just as demand […]

Leverage the cloud to drive FMCG growth

Brands and distributors in developing economies need to build deeper relationships with their retailers and merchants to effectively deal with an evolving market context and rapidly changing consumer behaviour as they can detect new market trends quicker and develop more agile business models by directly connecting with their customers. Developing these competencies are crucial, with research […]

Why sales force automation is not enough

For decades, the traditional FMCG sales model in emerging markets has depended on manual sales activities, such as field officers physically visiting retailers and merchants. This leads to high sales costs of between 30 to 40 percent, as brands and distributors need thousands of sales reps to cover their territories and visit each merchant individually. […]

Recover lost sales opportunities with cash digitalization

Cash still remains the largest cause of friction in distribution chains across emerging markets, as less than one-third of the $13 trillion in payments between suppliers and retailers are made electronically.  This over-reliance on cash affects FMCG brands significantly and can lead to lost sales opportunities as many retailers return or cancel orders at the point of delivery due […]

Building an automated sales and marketing engine for FMCGs

FMCG brands in emerging markets have realized that digitization is more than just a buzzword and that digital commerce, data analytics and other solutions will transform every aspect of their businesses. Many FMCG leaders have even set ambitious goals to reduce costs and increase revenues with a focus on digitizing sales and marketing processes as […]

Increasing app adoption rates with data-driven marketing.

As mobile penetration and smartphone use continues to increase, more apps are being created and downloaded daily, with mobile app downloads expected to cross 250 billion globally in 2021. Emerging markets are not left out of the rapid smartphone adoption, for example, Brazil and South Africa have smartphone penetration rates of over 60 percent.  With the average […]

Decentralization and the future of commerce

Digital commerce has transformed the retail industry, with worldwide sales amounting to $4.28 trillion in 2020. The rise of e-commerce is disrupting traditional supply chains with the promise of enabling brands and sellers to reach more customers than ever. However,  e-commerce marketplaces like Amazon, JD.com, and Alibaba, which provide the greatest reach, are highly centralized and […]