Further understand the market and uncover new opportunities

Transform the way your current distributors do business

With Red101®, we digitise the entire buying and selling processes of your distributors and their customers, including those who are part of the informal economy.

Gain insights and intelligence from across the supply chain

With RedInsights™, we provide you with AI powered analysis and insights from the supply chain, collected from 50,000+ data points.

Use promotions and run ad campaigns to nudge the market

With RedAds™, we arm you with a set of tools to run highly targeted campaigns to accelerate your brands sales.

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We help you to understand and expand in markets

Most FMCG brands have long had to rely on limited, outdated insights for strategic decision-making in emerging markets.

RedCloud’s Intelligent Open Commerce Platform provides the in-depth, live insights needed to make data-driven decisions and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Our tools help you uncover new opportunities

Accurate data-led insights are the key to capturing demand and closing a market share gap, RedCloud’s Intelligent Open Commerce platform makes this possible.

We help you increase influence further down the supply chain

The traditional distribution model in emerging markets leaves brands with almost no influence over the supply chain once their products leave the warehouse, which also limits the brand’s ability to directly engage with retailers and small distributors.