Digitizing finance for all: Closing the $5 trillion MSME credit gap

In emerging markets today, over 2 billion people and 200 million businesses lack access to savings and credit, as they are excluded from the formal financial system. Transactions are exclusively in cash, and there is no access to credit beyond informal lenders and personal networks. There is a massive gap between the credit micro, small, […]

Increase customer lifetime value with targeted merchant rewards

As competition in the FMCG industry intensifies, understanding and maximizing the customer lifetime value (CLV) of each distributor or retailer has become an important way to boost business profit. B2B businesses are now investing billions of dollars into increasing customer lifetime value through loyalty programs, trade marketing, and other rewards that improve customer relationships. In […]

Fighting for control: The rise of private label in the FMCG industry

Early in the COVID-19 crisis, many large FMCG brands disappeared from stores due to panic buying and pantry loading, leading to many shoppers opting to buy private-label goods, and have continued to do so. Private label products have experienced rapid growth in the last few years, especially in emerging markets like South Africa, which reported a startling […]

COVID-19 recedes top African brands’ value by $5.5 billion.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant effects on top brands in emerging markets, wiping out 12 percent of brand value, or $5.5 billion from Africa’s largest brands between 2020 and 2021. FMCG brands, especially food and beverage manufacturers were some of the hardest hit, as their route-to-market has been severely hampered. Lockdowns, social distancing, and other restrictions […]

Driving growth with digital sales communication

Every day, sales representatives in FMCG companies are responsible for developing and sustaining long-lasting relationships with distributors and retailers to ensure orders are filled and sales targets are met. In emerging markets, however, much of this communication is manual, as sales reps must visit retailer stores to interact with merchants and gather feedback. Even though […]

Lack of merchant engagement is costing FMCGs billions in lost sales opportunities.

The FMCG industry in emerging markets depends heavily on an interconnected distribution network where brands must work closely with distributors and retailers to move products to the end consumer.  However, this distribution model means brands are disconnected from the very retailers that are essential to driving sales and brand growth, as marketers lack visibility across […]

Drive digital transformation to scale up

For decades, strong brands and product innovations were the recipe for success in the consumer goods industry. More recently, tried-and-true traditional distribution models in emerging markets accounted for three-quarters of revenue growth, but a new era has since dawned that requires a new strategy. Large FMCG brands and distributors now recognize the need to embrace […]

Eliminating friction along the distribution chain in the FMCG industry

The distribution chain is the heart of the FMCG industry, keeping retailers’ shelves stocked and end consumers satisfied. For decades, FMCG brands in emerging markets have operated through a traditional distribution model dependent on a manually connected network of intermediaries to move products from the manufacturers to end consumers. However, the pandemic has tested the […]

Improved Market Visibility for Distributors

Distributors in emerging markets are facing a major disruption in their distribution model, with key metrics showing that challenges to the traditional models have eroded the financial health of distributors. The rise of modern trade and digital commerce threaten traditional distribution and have driven gross profit margins down by an average of 4% per year, resulting in direct EBITDA […]

Driving growth with digitalized distribution

The global FMCG industry is predicted to grow at an incredible 5.4% each year to reach $15 trillion by 2025, with much of this growth coming from developing markets, according to a report from Allied Market Research. However, historic data shows that large FMCG brands are stagnating rather than growing, with small companies generating two to three […]