Driving growth in the toiletries and cosmetic industry with Open Commerce

A few years ago, the beauty industry (comprising toiletries, cosmetics, fragrances, and personal care) was the fastest growing FMCG sector and the primary diver of the overall FMCG growth. However, COVID changed everything. With more people staying at home and covering their faces with masks, one of the best-performing sectors found itself struggling. As a result, […]

Buy-Now-Pay-Later: A new line of credit for FMCG retailers in emerging markets

If you wanted to buy an expensive item that you ordinarily couldn’t afford, like a $300 leather jacket, how would you pay for it? While many people would pay with a credit card, more consumers are switching to Buy now, Pay Later (BNPL) services. BNPL, just like credit cards, allows shoppers to spread the cost […]

Embrace e-commerce without breaking your supply chain

The CPG industry is at a digital-commerce tipping point after lagging behind other sectors for years, accelerated by the long-lasting effects of the pandemic and its lockdowns on consumer behavior. While the total share of FMCG goods sold online still hovers under 10%, it’s expected to more than double globally over the next few years. Digital […]

Why FMCG brands love Open Commerce – A live conversation from the market

Every day, consumer goods manufacturers across emerging markets produce billions of consumer products that need to be moved to retailers’ shelves. However, the supply chain responsible for moving these goods is broken and no longer fit-for-purpose. The fragmented nature of the retail industry, lack of visibility across the supply chain, and an overwhelming reliance on […]

RedCloud expands its open commerce platform to empower distributors in Argentina.

Global technology firm, RedCloud partnered with three FMCG distributors in the Santa Fe province of Argentina to drive business growth with Red101 Market, the world’s first Open Commerce platform. RedCloud has announced a partnership with Calfra, Florida, and Irlanda, three large FMCG distributors in the Santa Fe province of Argentina. These distributors are large players in […]

How to tackle the rising prices of consumer goods with digital distribution.

Shopping for food items and other essential consumer goods has become a luxury for millions of people in emerging economies worldwide, as prices have risen steadily over the last few years and spiked in the last few months. Reports show that 9 out of 10 FMCG manufacturers have increased, or plan to increase, their prices this year, […]

RedCloud announces partnership with Liquor Boss to drive growth and increase market reach.

Pretoria, May 2022 – Global technology firm, RedCloud, has partnered with Liquor Boss, a large distributor of alcoholic beverages in South Africa, to help drive rapid growth and increase market reach with open commerce technology. Liquor Boss, a large distributor of alcoholic beverages in South Africa with over 2000 SKUs, has signed a new partnership […]

Why everyone loves Open Commerce – A live conversation from the market

Across emerging economies, the traditional retail market remains highly fragmented, as over 80% of all FMCG products are sold by small retailers in roadside shops. The industry still relies on manual processes like van sales, physical visits to retailers by brand and distributor sales reps, and costly cash payments. This model is inefficient and has had devastating […]

Delivering value for distributors with data-driven pricing

Over the last few years, traditional FMCG distributors have faced numerous challenges, such as unpredictable demand, massive supply chain disruption, and increased competition from new, digital players in the market, which has led to ever-shrinking margins. In addition, retailers and customers are beginning to expect the same speed and efficiency they are used to receiving in […]

Why we built the world’s largest local payment network.

Emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) make up 84% of the world’s population, but only contribute 37% of the Global GDP. In these markets, as many as 2 billion people and 200 million small businesses are entirely cut off from the formal financial system, lacking access to savings, investment, and credit facilities. The gap between the […]